The Oxford University Heritage Network was established in 2018 with the aim of bringing together researchers and heritage professionals to address the big challenges facing heritage locally, nationally and internationally. We achieve this through seminars and events, and by engaging with policy makers in government, international organisations, the private sector and the NGO community.
The team also runs the highly-successful Heritage Pathway programme, a sector-facing training offer, which gives Oxford students and researchers the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of careers and current issues in the sector.
Our Areas of Focus
The Oxford University Heritage Network has four strategic aims:
1. Support successful collaborative grant applications.
2. Encourage wider participation in heritage research across the academic community.
3. Support agenda-setting interdisciplinary critical debate and discussion of heritage.
4. Provide a focus for the University’s engagement with heritage partners in the UK and overseas.
OUHN aims to build an interdisciplinary community of professionals, students, and researchers (from undergraduate to senior professors) who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage effectively with a wide range of partners in the UK and overseas.
Our Activities
1. An e-newsletter which will connect those interested in heritage with events, funding opportunities and other heritage-related news.
2. A programme of events including lectures and workshops with external heritage partners.
3. We primarily ran the Heritage Seed Fund in association with the TORCH Heritage Programme during the academic year 2019-2020. £15,000 was made available to fund a range of small workshops, projects and conversations. Further information about funding can be found under 'Get Involved'.